UC 13212 |
Pentamerus oblongus (Sowerby, 1839) |
United States of America |
2239389 |
UC 12236 |
Dielasmatidae |
Dielasma bovidens (Morton, 1836) |
United States of America |
2239495 |
Mississippian |
UC 12378 |
Trematis costata Hall, 1859 |
United States of America |
2239310 |
Devonian |
UC 16972 |
Brachythyrididae |
Brachythyris ozarkensis Snider, 1915 |
2270271 |
Mississippian |
Mayes |
UC 12394 |
Anazygidae |
Catazyga headi (Billings, 1862) |
United States of America |
2239338 |
Ordovician |
UC 17262 B |
Dielasmatidae |
Dielasma compressa Snider, 1915 |
2270275 |
Mississippian |
Fayetteville Shale |
UC 12398 |
Camarotoechiidae |
Camarotoechia aequiradiata (Hall, 1852) |
United States of America |
2239401 |
Silurian |
Clinton |
UC 18455 |
Strophonellidae |
Strophonella caelata (Hall, 1867) |
United States of America |
2239570 |
Devonian |
Chemung |
PE 60417 |
Plectorthidae |
Doleroides pervetus (Conrad) |
W. Taylor |
United States of America |
2279370 |
Ordovician |
Mifflin |
UC 20462 |
Spiriferidae |
Spirifer disjunctus Sowerby, 1840 |
United States of America |
2239452 |
Devonian |
Chemung |
UC 12421 |
Pugnax missouriensis (Shumard, 1855) |
United States of America |
2239422 |
Mississippian |
Chouteau Limestone |
UC 52017 |
Camarotoechiidae |
Camarotoechia indianoidea Ball, 1931 |
United States of America |
2285519 |
Silurian |
Bainbridge Limestone |
UC 13210 |
Pentamerus oblongus (Sowerby, 1839) |
United States of America |
42.077 |
2239387 |
Silurian |
UC 10234 |
Lingulasmatidae |
Lingulasma galenensis Winchell & Schuchert, 1892 |
2266113 |
Ordovician |
Trenton Limestone |
UC 30645 A |
Productidae |
Productus abruptus Sutton & Wagner, 1931 |
S. Weller |
United States of America |
2213193 |
Mississippian |
Paint Creek Shale |
PE 4318 |
Monomerella |
United States of America |
2361173 |
Silurian |
2 image files |
UC 12233 B |
Derbyiidae |
Derbya affinis Hall & Clarke, 1892 |
2285604 |
Pennsylvanian |
UC 16841 |
Rhipidomellidae |
Rhipidomella arkansana Girty, 1911 |
2270263 |
Mississippian |
Mayes |
UC 32120 A |
Productidae |
Productus newtonensis Moore, 1928 |
2255912 |
Mississippian |
Reeds Spring Limestone |
UC 12213 |
Spiriferidae |
Spirifer mortonanus Miller, 1883 |
United States of America |
2239466 |
Mississippian |
Keokuk Limestone |
PE 57055 |
Whitfieldella cylindrica (Hall, 1852) |
United States of America |
2372593 |
Silurian |
2 image files |
UC 12446 |
Pentamerus oblongus maquoketa |
United States of America |
42.5006 |
2239391 |
Silurian |
UC 16971 |
Brachythyrididae |
Brachythyris ozarkensis Snider, 1915 |
2270269 |
Mississippian |
Fayetteville Shale |
UC 16816 |
Anopliidae |
Chonetes oklahomensis Snider, 1915 |
2270279 |
Mississippian |
Fayetteville Shale |
UC 12423 |
Pugnax uta (Marcou, 1858) |
United States of America |
2239426 |
Pennsylvanian |